How AoFrio’s software engineering is evolving to enable IoT insights for cooler and freezer fleets.
Six software principles unlocking value for commercial refrigeration
Jul 24, 2023 7:56:43 AM / by Priyanka Giri posted in Energy efficiency, IoT Solutions, Connect Field, Connect IoT Solutions
Urbanization and demographic changes
Mar 11, 2022 12:39:39 PM / by AoFrio posted in Energy efficiency, urbanization, gepp, roi
In simple terms, urbanization is the development of towns and cities and the increase of the concentration of populations in these areas. It is undeniably a defining trend of our time. This trend has been seen, and continues to be seen, throughout the developing world. Urbanization can be viewed as a reflection of the economic well-being of a country. As developing countries experience economic growth, there will be continued growth in urbanization. As a city's population grows, so does the demand for goods, services, and infrastructure.
Wellington and Gepp, a collaboration that saves 193 million pesos for stores in Mexico
Dec 2, 2021 8:32:24 AM / by David Burden posted in ECR 2 motor, Energy efficiency, Wellington Drive
Wellington Mexico NZTE embassy event
Mar 5, 2021 4:51:20 PM / by David Burden posted in ECR 2 motor, Energy efficiency, Sustainability
Wellington Director and CEO, Greg Allen and Mexico Sales General Manager Jorge Civeira were privileged to have joined distinguished attendees at the seminar for collaboration opportunities for New Zealand and Mexico Business, organized by COMCE.
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