IoT Unlocked: Cómo la Tecnología Puede Preparar a tu Negocio para el Futuro

Sep 4, 2024 9:13:49 AM / by AoFrio posted in Energy efficiency, IoT, Cellular Enabled Solution, IoT Unlocked, Commercial refrigeration, AoFrio iQ


En el marco de reconocer a los clientes y aliados que adoptaron la tecnología IoT de AoFrio en 2016, se llevaron a cabo una serie de eventos con el objetivo de reconocer, inspirar y compartir la relevancia que hoy en día la tecnología representa en la refrigeración industrial, en la humanidad y en los negocios.

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IoT Unlocked: Como a Tecnologia Pode Preparar Sua Empresa Para o Futuro

Sep 4, 2024 8:42:25 AM / by AoFrio posted in Energy efficiency, IoT, Cellular Enabled Solution, IoT Unlocked, Commercial refrigeration, AoFrio iQ


Como parte do reconhecimento aos clientes e parceiros que adotaram a tecnologia IoT da AoFrio em 2016, foram realizados uma série de eventos com o objetivo de reconhecer, inspirar e compartilhar a relevância que a tecnologia representa hoje na refrigeração industrial, na humanidade e nos negócios.

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IoT Unlocked: How Technology Can Prepare Your Business for the Future

Aug 30, 2024 9:59:49 AM / by AoFrio posted in Energy efficiency, IoT, Cellular Enabled Solution, IoT Unlocked, Commercial refrigeration, AoFrio iQ


As part of recognizing the customers and partners who adopted AoFrio's IoT technology in 2016, a series of events were held with the aim of recognizing, inspiring, and sharing the relevance that technology represents today in industrial refrigeration, humanity, and business.

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¿Por qué es importante el IoT para la industria de la refrigeración?

Jun 19, 2024 11:24:19 AM / by AoFrio posted in Energy efficiency, IoT Ecosystem, Cellular Enabled Solution, Controllers



En el vertiginoso mundo tecnológico actual, el Internet de las cosas (IoT) está revolucionando todos los sectores, y el de la refrigeración no es una excepción.

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Por que a IoT é importante para a indústria de refrigeração?

Jun 19, 2024 10:08:41 AM / by AoFrio posted in Energy efficiency, IoT Ecosystem, Cellular Enabled Solution, Controllers



No mundo atual, acelerado e impulsionado pela tecnologia, a Internet das Coisas (IoT) está revolucionando todos os setores, e o setor de refrigeração não é exceção.

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Why is IoT important for the refrigeration industry?

Jun 19, 2024 10:06:01 AM / by AoFrio posted in Energy efficiency, IoT Ecosystem, Cellular Enabled Solution, Controllers



In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, the Internet of Things (IoT) is revolutionizing industries across the board, and the refrigeration sector is no exception.

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